Sunday, November 18, 2012


Coming to Australia, I knew a lot of the wildlife was unique. As I began touring the country I found more and more curiosity in the animals that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth, and I came to appreciate this peculiarity. But as a tourist, am I just buying into the enterprises that are designed to feature these unique animals? 
Some other questions that come to mind as I reflect on my experiences here with Australian wildlife are:
  1. What animals attract tourists to Australia and why?
  2. Why do people pay to see animals outside their natural habitat?
  3. What is the economic value of wildlife tourism in Australia?
  4. What ethical issues are presented in wildlife tourism?
  5. How do Australians view their native animals?
The purpose of this blog is to answer these questions by analyzing five different artefacts in Australian popular culture. While I could examine five different Australian animals for this themed-journal, I chose to include a wildlife enterprise and a celebrity closely associated with Australia's natural fauna. This is intended to provide a more rounded evaluation of the tourism aspect of the journal. The chosen artefacts are images of:
  1. Australia Zoo
  2. kangaroo
  3. koala
  4. snake
  5. Steve Irwin
I chose to use a blog format for several reasons. Each artefact will be presented as a separate post. I also hope to include pictures, videos, and links that can provide additional information on the subject being addressed. The blog structure allows informality, subjectivity, and interaction; I plan to include a survey for my readers and use their responses as evidence in my analysis. Finally, I plan to incorporate my personal experiences into the discussions. While I may express my opinion on certain issues, I will try my best to include both sides to every argument and explain the criticisms. 

I hope this blog is informative, enjoyable, and reflects the interest and appreciation I have come to find in Australia's native animals. Thank you for reading.

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